Brush Fire - Orchard Drvie, Chestertown
On Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 3:58 pm, the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company, along with multiple Mutual Aid Fire Companies, was dispatched to the 8900 block of Orchard Drive (Orchard Hill Community) for the “Outside Fire with Exposure” (An exposure means a fire is potentially threatening other, as yet uninvolved, structures.) The 9-1-1 caller was reporting a large area of grass burning. It’s believed the source of the fire was sparks from a back yard fire pit, being used to dispose of household cardboard.
Passing of Life Member Robert Knoedler
With deep, abiding sadness, the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company regretfully announces the passing of Life Member Robert Knoedler. Of all our members, as a member of our “Fire Police” unit, Robert is one many in the public might recognize. Prior to a decline in health, he was frequently seen working traffic flow around our emergency incidents.
February Top Responders
Bruce Neal, Caleb Sadzinski, Jimmy Wallace, Kendall McGinnis, and Michael McGinnis
Dwelling Fire - Augustine Herman Highway, Kennedyville
On Friday, February 28, 2025 at 2:20 am, the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched automatic mutual aid to the Kennedyville VFC for the structure fire, located in the 11900 block of Augustine Herman Highway (Maryland 213). This is in the middle of Kennedyville, near the 4-Corners.