Recently, we received a Pet Oxygen Mask, donated by local Girl Scouts. Several years ago, Ms. Pat Bjorke's Daisy Troop 1142 worked with the Chesapeake Animal Welfare Society to purchase these masks, using the monies earned from selling Girl Scout Cookies. Through an unintended misstep, there was a delay in our actually receiving the masks. Daisy Troop 1142 has since promoted within the Girl Scouts and are now designated as Girl Scout Troop 110.
The mask has been placed on the equipment with our First Aid gear. It will be used to help revive someone's pet or animal who has been stricken by smoke inhalation or exposure to some other poisonous environment. These masks work very well, efficiently providing oxygen to a sickened animal.
Here, Chestertown VFC Chief John "Otis" Darling is pictured with the Oxygen Masks and "Megatron", who belongs to Renny and Tina Grapes, members of the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company. Megatron is a "Rescue" from the Kent County Humane Society.
The officers and members of the Chestertown VFC extend our heartfelt appreciation for this generous donation. We wish the young ladies of Troop 110 the best of luck as they grow and learn, developing leadership skills and an appreciation for the community they live in.