Live Dispatch:


Dwelling Fire - Quaker Neck Road, Chestertown

Monday, November 8, 2021

At 12:58 pm on Sunday, November 7, 2021, the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company, along with multiple mutual aid companies, was dispatched for the small-shed fire in the 6700 block of Quaker Neck Road, between Church Lane and Pomona.


First arriving found two sheds 100% involved with fire. Severe radiant heat on the exposure, a two-story dwelling, had caused that building to take fire as well. In addition to the sheds on fire, crews were now also dealing with a structure / house fire.


The first arriving engine, Engine 68, requested a Tanker Task Force to support the added need for water. A Tanker Task Force brings four (4) additional water tankers and an additional engine. As Engine 68 was adequately staffed, they were able to divide their crew. Two 1-3/4”hose lines were deployed, with one crew taking on the sheds, while the second crew entered the house through the front door.


With mutual aid units quickly arriving, it was soon noticed that several portable propane tanks were severely exposed to the fire. One tank had over-pressurized causing the pressure relief device to operate. The escaping propane ignited, adding an additional problem to the mix. This tank, a 20-pound BBQ cylinder, was removed to the neighboring field where it was allowed to burn until the remaining product inside was used up. In addition to the propane tanks, we also found a tank of gasoline and a heating oil tank were exposed. These were cooled by the application of water, posing no further concern.


As our crews made a remarkably fast “knock-down” of the fire, we were able to release mutual aid companies quickly. We’re deeply appreciative of our mutual aid companies. In today’s world, the fire service relies on assistance from other companies. We also take this opportunity to recognize the Crumpton VFC. While we were committed to this incident, they stood by at our fire station, providing fire and life safety coverage for our community.

As a result of this incident Quaker Neck Road (Maryland 289) was briefly closed. The closure was handled by Fire Police.


There were no injuries to civilians or emergency personnel.

As it was unclear what caused the fire, the fire marshal was requested. A representative of the Maryland State Fire Marshals Office responded and conducted an Origin & Cause Investigation. The result of that investigation is not currently available.


Because of damage to the house, the power company was requested to shut off the electric. Delmarva Power was notified and responded.


The Red Cross also responded to assist the residents as the structure in it’s present condition, is not habitable.

Photographs by the Chestertown VFC. Media may use photographs for publication.

Companies & Organizations dispatched and responded:


Chestertown VFC

Rock Hall VFC

Church Hill VFC

Kennedyville VFC

Crumpton VFC

Betterton VFC

Millington VFC (Community Fire Company)

Galena VFC

Sudlersville VFC

Kent & Queen Annes Rescue Squad

Kent County EMS

Queen Anne’s County DES

Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office

Delmarva Power

American Red Cross


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