Saturday evening, December 17, 2022, members, and guests of the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company gathered for our Annual Christmas Banquet and Installation of Officers. This was the first time since pre-Covid we’ve been able to gather normally for this event. In 2020, it was canceled completely. In 2021, we restricted attendance to members and their guests. This year not only were members and guests in attendance, we were delighted to invite local politicians and law enforcement representatives.
With a touch of light-hearted comedy, before the banquet began in earnest, the process of handing out door prizes was begun. There was so much to give-away, it was decided to break it up, providing door prizes both before and after the ceremonies. Our thanks to the area businesses that graciously donated items and services.
The evening began with a Memorial Service for two members that passed away this year… Life Member Gail Jennings and Honorary Member Chief Emeritus Darren Long, of the Damascus Volunteer Fire Company. With no family members, Darlene Neal, Chestertown VFC Life Member and good friend of Gail lit the candle on her behalf. Lighting the candle on behalf of Chief Long was his widow, Terri.
After the blessing of the meal by Company Chaplain, the Reverend Leon Frison, dinner was served. Roast Beef and Chicken, with all the trimmings was the fare. Many thanks to Ms. Helen Todd for catering this event. As always, the food was in abundance and delicious.
In keeping with tradition, the standby crews from Easton VFC, Queen Annes-Hillsboro VFC, and St. Michaels VFC were the first invited to partake of the buffet offerings. To maintain first-rate Fire and Life-Safety coverage for our community, typically fire companies ask neighboring companies to send personnel and equipment. This allows us to take the night off and enjoy the fellowship of the evening. Of course, in the event of a serious incident requiring additional help, our members stand in readiness to pause our celebrations and respond, in most cases leaving their guests behind. It’s what volunteer firefighters do.
With the conclusion of dinner, President Dave Eason, then in-turn, Chief John “Otis’ Darling presented honors, awards, and recognitions. The names and their recognitions are enumerated below. Our apologies in advance, but in some cases, we do not have photographs for some of these individuals.
For the administrative part of our operation, President Dave Eason recognized members and friends of the company for their contributions and achievements this past year.
Years of Service Anniversaries:
5 years –
Robin Joiner
Chris Spray
15 years -
Brandon McGinnis, Sr.
Kyle Thompson
20 years –
David Benton
Justin Parsons
James B. Russum
25 years –
John “Otis” Darling
William Duley
40 years –
Edwin “Smoke” Joiner
The following members were inducted as Life Members of the Chestertown VFC. Life Membership is the highest award our fire company can bestow upon a member. To qualify for Life Membership, a member must have served for at least 20 years, or for exceptional service to the fire company.
Donald Hodges, Sr.
Justin Parsons
James B. Russum
The following members were awarded Honorary Membership. These individuals, while not a regular member of the fire company, have proved especially supportive and beneficial to our mission.
Dale Browning (Damascus Volunteer Fire Company – Montgomery County, Maryland)
Roger Runkels (Damascus Volunteer Fire Company – Montgomery County, Maryland)
Wayne Hutchinson (Dover Fire Company – Kent County, Delaware)
(photos not available)
The following members were presented with President’s Awards in recognition of outstanding contributions to the fire company this past year.
Michael Carey – As the fire company 2nd Vice President, oversees the House Committee, which works tirelessly to maintain our buildings and grounds. When presented with several significant issues, he stepped to the plate to see these projects were completed both expeditiously and with financial economy.
Edwin “Smoke” Joiner – Along with other members, has worked tirelessly to represent the fire company with the Maryland State Firemen’s Association. Despite living on the Lower Eastern Shore, he routinely drives up to attend meetings, fund raisers, and other company activities.
Larry Slagle – Is a member of the Constitution & Bylaws committee and the fire company Parliamentarian. Works diligently on the fire company’ Social Media presence, writing media releases on incidents and other company activities. Also serves as the unofficial photographer for the fire company. Many, but not all, of the photographs seen on our website and Facebook page are his doing.
The Chestertown VFC presented a “Citizen of the Year” award to Jason Miller, and Michael Brison. They were instrumental in helping to organize the annual Kent County Fire House Toy Run and seeing it through to fruition. (no photos available)
Special Recognition Awards:
Green Spring Advisors and Owen Dummerly, in appreciation for assistance with Long Range Project Financial Planning. (no photo available)
The Mayor & Town Council for the Town of Chestertown (no photos available)
The following members were recognized as the Top Ten Responders for the year 2022. Top Ten is an exceptional honor. While all our members are committed and dedicated to the mission of the Chestertown VFC, Top Ten demonstrates the care and commitment these members bring to the table. To achieve Top Ten, a member is extremely active responding to emergency incidents. Too often, they come out at the worst possible times for themselves and their families.
Cindy Morris, our fire company Secretary, was recognized as the Administrative Officer of the Year. Cindy works tireless not only in her role as company secretary, but takes the lead with projects, such as organizing the annual Thanksgiving Craft Show.
For the operational part of our operation, Chief John “Otis” Darling recognized members of the company for their contributions and achievements this past year.
Bruce Neal – 312 runs (1)
Caleb Sadzinski – 281 runs (2)
Keith Vanzant – 264 runs (no photograph) (3)
Doug Wilson – 261 runs (4)
Jimmy Wallace – 233 runs (no photograph) (5)
Shawn Rideout – 214 runs (6)
Kyle Thompson – 197 runs (7)
Michael McGinnis – 193 runs (no photograph) (

Renny Grapes – 171 runs (no photograph) (9)
Jesse Downey Jr – 158 runs (10)
We’d also like to mention that Chief John “Otis” Darling was also a top responder, though he disqualified himself from recognition. We’d also like to recognize another member, though not an active “riding” firefighter. Chris Spray comes to the fire station during calls for service. If the weather is cold and inclement, he ensures the overhead doors are down after all apparatus has responded. At other times, he makes sure the building’s trash receptacles are emptied and the station tidied. He takes the lead, important especially during warm weather, to make sure the coolers of drinking water we carry on all our apparatus are drained and refilled with fresh ice. Chris was profiled as a Member Spotlight in May, 2020.
A special award was established for the first time this year. As needed and appropriate, the “Chief Bruce Neal Achievement Award” will be awarded to individuals whose dedication and commitment to the mission of the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company is worthy and exceptional. The first recipient, and the namesake for the award, is Past Chief Bruce Neal. In keeping with the dignity, importance and special nature of this award, this photo-story will be profiled as a separate post.
Fire Officer of the Year was awarded to Captain Kyle Thompson. Kyle is one of our Top Ten responders, but responses are not the only criteria that determines Officer of the Year. Attendance at drills, fund raisers, and other activities in support of our mission is considered. With wife Rebecca, they are parents to Maverick, now about 4 years old. They are expecting another child soon. Despite these family demands, Kyle consistently raised the bar with his participation in support of the fire company’s mission.
Firefighter of the Year was awarded to Michael Olsen. Michael is one of our apparatus drivers. He is frequently found at the fire station, helping to maintain equipment. He served on the committee that designed and ushered into service the new Rescue-Engine, which went into service the night of this banquet. As a member of the “Air-Committee” (company personnel assigned to run and maintain our breathing air compressor), at the beginning of every year, Mike oversees the process of “fit-testing” for all riding members. Fit-Testing is the process where, using a special machine commercially available, evaluates each member's personal face-piece, which is a part of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. While wearing the facepiece and tethered to the machine by hose, the member executes standardized “tasks”, moving their head about. It simulates movement of a firefighter’s head, neck, and torso during actual operations in IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life & Health) environments. The process evaluates the safety and integrity of the facepiece. Any found substandard and lacking are subsequently replaced.
After formal proceedings concluded, Captain Kyle Thompson completed the process of awarding door prizes. We would like to thank the following businesses and individual for generously donating items and services to be given away as door prizes…
A Shear Design
Ctown Liquors
Evergrain Bakery
J.J. Liquors
Luisa’s Restaurant
Maryland Fire Equipment
Molly’s Sporting Goods
The NAPA store
Rhonda Spry
The Finishing Touch
The Firestore
The Watershed Restaurant