Live Dispatch:


Building Fire - Worton Road, Worton

Friday, November 1, 2024
At 1:22 pm on Sunday, October 6, 2024, the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company, along with multiple other companies, was dispatched for the Structure Fire at the Dollar General store in Worton. This is our first-due box area! The 9-1-1 caller was reporting an active fire in the store, with the building evacuated. Due to building code exemption, this store is not equipped with fire sprinklers. The square footage of the store falls just short of the requirement for sprinkler installation.
A deputy with the Kent County Sheriffs Office arrived first and entered with a fire extinguisher. He was able to initially hit the fire and knock it down. However, due to deteriorating conditions (mostly a heavy smoke condition) he was forced out of the building. We believe his knocking the fire down bought time and kept the fire from getting worse.
Our first-arriving, Command 6 with Chief John “Otis” Darling and Engine 68 arrived. The engine stopped at the intersection of Worton Road and Porters Grove Road and laid a 5” LDH (Large Diameter Hose) – essentially a temporary, above ground water main & supply hose. They continued into the parking lot, where they deployed a single 1-3/4” fire attack hose and entered the structure. Encountering a heavy smoke condition, and armed with information provided by the Kent Sheriff deputy, they knew which way to go. Quickly locating the seat of the fire, they were able to make a quick “knock-down” of the remaining fire using minimal water. The source of the fire was found to be a refrigerated floor cooler for drinks.
Though Worton has a municipal water system, Fire Department tankers are added to dispatches as a precautionary measure. Our Tanker 6 carries 4000 gallons of water and is also equipped with a 1500 GPM fire pump. Tanker 6 stopped at the hydrant, connected up and picked up the supply hose to Engine 68. As the fire was quickly placed under control, the supply line was never charged with water. Our Tower 6 setup in the parking lot and went to the roof as a precaution. No action was required at the roof level.
With the fire under control, efforts turned to clearing smoke from the building. Using multiple smoke fans, it still took more than 45 minutes to clear the building.
A representative of the Maryland State Fire Marshals Office came to the scene and conducted an Origin & Cause Investigation; however, the cause is strongly believed to be electrical in nature. As a precaution, the power company was requested to cut electric service to the building. A Delmarva Power representative came to the scene, however, ultimately this measure proved unnecessary and service was left on. Because of the amount of food contained within the store, the Kent County Health Department was requested, and a representative came to the scene. Because of exposure to smoke, the official health department decision was to condemn and dispose of all food material. As there may be questions about this decision, we direct all inquiries to the Kent County Health Department.
We operated at this incident for approximately two (2) hours. There were no injuries to firefighters or civilians.
All photos by the Chestertown VFC. Media may use with attribution.
Fire Companies and Organizations:
Chestertown VFC
Kennedyville VFC
Betterton VFC
Rock Hall VFC
Galena VFC
Kent & Queen Annes Rescue Squad
Kent County EMS
Kent County Sheriffs Office
Maryland State Fire Marshals Office
Delmarva Power
Kent County Health Department

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